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Kindness Works is a community of ordinary people who empower individuals and families experiencing or at risk of hardship to build a positive future.
What we do

Friendships with purpose

The COACH program pairs a mentor and a mentee together for a 12-month period of support. Mentors don't have 'the answers'; instead they seek to ask the right questions to help their mentee make positive progress towards the direction they want to move in. A highly relational and personal form of support, the COACH program has been a life-changer for many people.


A grassroots community

Through Streetworks we provide practical support and a sense of community to many people doing it rough in our area. It started with a breakfast at the foreshore every Tuesday morning for rough sleepers, and has turned into so much more. From dinner on Monday night to care packages, clothing donations and referrals to other relevant services, Streetworks is more than a program; it's a family of supporters, building community and connection with those who are seeking a helping hand.

The Lounge

Our open home

The Lounge is our physical space in the community, open at various times throughout the week. Full of couches, blankets and cuppas, it's a safe and non-judgmental space to reset, recharge and feel a sense of belonging. 

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